Monday, November 23, 2009


Today it seems anybody with a computer and an internet connection can speak their mind and get heard by someone around the world. So What Isabella? Well, I was just thinking about content and how though we have the opportunity to be a voice but, what are we saying, is it wisdom filled or just fluff! Think about that as I do.. and then think some more about the Bible.

Yes, The Word of God. You know He, the Divine Creator chose to speak to us. He bridged the limits of time and space to speak to us not through figures and paint but through words. Words are powerful. In the right hands and through the right person a single word can make a nation rise to it's feet and demand for change. Whether the word be Unity, whether it Love, love of Country and love for our people or back to my ol' favorite FREEDOM. Words are powerful and our thoughts are too.

I've learned that ever action starts with a single thought. Then that thought is absorbed by the mind which might influence what you say then, what you do. Actions, thoughts, it all begins with the word.

Now what words you listen to or read is totally up to you, but if you had the opportunity, to listen in and learn from the very thoughts of God. Would you?

You know through the Bible you can. That book, isn't just an ordinary book, it's a Spiritual one. So reading it with out plugging in to the source that wrote it is like reading jiberish. I believe you can unlock clarity when reading the Bible if you just ask. And ask the right person. God. Through a simple prayer.
In your own words, just talk to Him. Say hello, let that be the start, or the middle, but not the end.
In your own words, reach out and seek Him. Ask Him to be your guide in this world and for help and clarity.

Why? So What Isabella.. why do this.. because having made the effort, to seek God, to know Him, to learn more about this creator of ours, we learn more about how to live on this earth, how to be, who we are and why we are here. Aren't those questions you want answers too? Think about that and ask yourself.. so what have you done to get intouch with your creator?

Think about that.. and maybe close your eyes, reach out and up, heavenward and just start with hello!



Tuesday, October 27, 2009


here's a great way to listen to music on the web! Check it :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sesame Street: Norah Jones Sings Don't Know Y

SO WHAT about Y? EXACTLY! Let's ask the question why, and how it effects us in this next blog! Enjoy the Norah Jones video and think about this.. Is asking WHY a positive move or a negative one? What are your thoughts? Comment bellow and then I'll respond via blog! Let me know soon!



Isabella is currently bar hopping and visiting churches singing songs from her album iDENTitY: ISABELLA!

She will be at Merk's at Greenbelt 3rd floor this Wed at around 9:45pm and then at CCF across from Mega Mall at the ST. FRANCIS BLDG at the 5th floor at 4pm during JZONE!!!!

Catch her this week or on OCT 6 at 8pm at MUSIC MUSEUM for BELIEVE THE POP MUSICAL!!!

See you soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Quote me on this and you'll see that it may prove to be true: " All Bad Things Happen for A Good Reason."

I've heard it also said this way," The devil might have meant it for bad but, God will use it for the good." Something like that!

I'm talking about circumstances of all shapes and sizes...

Take for example the fact that when I was 17 I was diagnosed as having the bipolar disorder.. I'm much better now, in fact I consider myself healed through the power and coolness of the Lord. But back then I didn't know why I was going through all that I did? But I knew this one fun fact: That EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.. and that I would be fine! And You know what.. I am.. fine.. that is.. I'm actually better than just passing the normal average okay.. I'm great!

You see I realized that God allowed me ( he didn't cause me to get sick, but He allowed it, BIG DIFFERENCE) for a reason.. probably so that I could be able to overcome the disorder so that when I met other people who were also bipolar, I could help them out. It also helped me be less judgmental and critical of people in general..

I stopped labeling people as weird cause I realized every one has a story, every one has problems that they've either overcome or need help overcoming...

SO WHAT ISABELLA? Well I guess this is my chance now to turn the tables on you.. and ask you how can I help? Or challenge you to understand that what ever you might be going through remember.. THAT: EVERY BAD THING HAPPENS FOR A GOOD REASON! You might be the answer to someone's question in the future, but first you might just have to journey on and live and overcome some obstacles your self so that you might be able to help others in the future.

I want to let you know that what ever BAD thing you're going through right now, that you will survive, and live through it.. Life is after all a forward moving race and journey. Though it may seem that you might have travelled a few steps back due to present or past circumstances, remember THERE IS A REASON for that too.. it may be that God wants you to learn something really well so that you can help someone out in the FUTURE.

REMEMBER BAD THINGS HAPPEN FOR A GOOD REASON.. you just have to see it that way and journey on.

May GOD be with you always!

Comment bellow and let me know what bad things have happened to you and the good reason you believe they might have happened for!



SO WHAT? it's Sunday night and my Mom is trying to record the song We Are the Reason Popularized by Pilipino artist Gary Valenciano. I'm up in the office writing this blog when I should really be down there with her.. I'm semi producing the album. But she's practicing right now. I can hear Gary v's voice repeat at the phrase, " He gave all He could give, to show us the reason to live." She's prpbably practicing that right now.. but wait sudenly all is quiet.. I think I better go down there and help her out again.. SO WHAT? Well ask your self when was the last time your Mom or Dad asked you to help them out with something? Did you? Were you grumbling? Or did you do it with a smile on your face? Think about that and comment back!

SO WHAT? EXACTLY... ask your self what really matters and let me know through your comments and I'll let yo know right back.. WHAT.. It's all about?

SO.. comment now!


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I thought I might start this blog instead of adding another post on to my two already exciting blogs identityisabella and the bipolar journals ( I think I have another one too and I know I have a bunch in my official site, that as of now the domain name needs to be renewed).. but back to the point, I thought I'd start this blog to just ask the question: SO WHAT?

Given the opportunity to share and expand on that topic I could basically insert and write about any given topic and ask the question SO ( or how is that applicable to my life) WHAT? I thought this might give me more of an opportunity to just be vocal and expressive as well! My friend director Freddie Santos once told me that, "artists rest in their art! " And you know what he was so right, cuz what I do whether it be doodle, draw, paint, sing, compose or write, is really how I spend my down time! SO WHAT ISABELLA? Well for now I just wanted to share that maybe this is applicable to you cuz maybe you might want to rest in the same way too! And whether it be math that you love or sports or art.. the point is this REST in what you love to do and it will be a gift that just keeps giving back!

SO WHAT do you think! ? Comment bellow and let me know WHAT you think!
Also let me know WHAT other SO WHAT topics you'd like me to WRITE about!
Till then!

Thanks for reading!